Below are names of Nashville players between 1901-1961 and 1963. Duplication of names are possible; often player names did not include a first name, or misspellings occurred in scorecards or team records (such as “Wood” for “Hood”). If a player’s name is not underlined, his career was probably limited to the minor leagues only. Names include the year(s) spent with the ball club.
By clicking on an underlined name, a player’s biography may be posted at sabr.org (Society for American Baseball Research) as part of the organization’s Baseball Biography Project, an ongoing effort to research and write comprehensive biographical articles on people who played or managed in the major leagues, or otherwise made a significant contribution to the sport.
Thanks to Rory Costello and Gregory H. Wolf, co-directors, for their willingness to allow biographies to be linked to this site. A bio has not been written or submitted on every player; should you wish to learn how you can participate in this project, send your inquiry here: [email protected].
Name, Year(s) with club
Ed Abbaticchio, 1901–02
Tom Accardo, 1945
Victor Accorsini, 1902, 1904–05
Tom Acker, 1955
Dick Adair, 1952–53
Ace Adams, 1938–40
Clyde Adams, 1905
Spencer Adams, 1929–31
Ben Ahmann, 1925
Raleigh Aitchison, 1911
Harvey Albrecht, 1924
Dale Alderson, 1943–44, 1946
Dale Alexander, 1937
Donald Alfano, 1949
Harry Allemang, 1906
Ernie Alten, 1924, 1926–28
Ultus Alvarez, 1955, 1959–60
Eddie Ancherico, 1947
Robert Anderlik, 1951
H Anderson, 1920
Herb Anderson, 1958
John Anderson, 1929–31
Wingo Anderson, 1911
Doc Andrews, 1904
Lee Anthony, 1946
Dan Ardell, 1963
Casper Asbjornson, 1930
James Atchley, 1950–52
James Atkins, 1955–56
Chick Autry, 1925
Earl Averill, Jr., 1955
Dick Aylward, 1949, 1958
Gene Bacque, 1961
Harvey Bailey, 1905
Jim Bailey, 1958–60
Lem Bailey, 1902–03
Frank Bair, 1911–12
Al Baker, 1939
Bill Baker, 1932–33
Howard Baker, 1915–16
Howard Baker, 1918
Joseph Baker, 1946, 1950
R. Baker, 1919
Jack Baldschun, 1960
Frank Baldwin, 1955–56
James Ballantyne, 1901
Ballinger, 1920
Ernest Balser, 1944–46
Oscar Bandelin, 1905
Turner Barber, 1928
Babe Barna, 1949, 1951
Junie Barnes, 1936–37
Dean Barnhardt, 1918
Charles Baron, 1938
Bob Barr, 1939
Red Barrett, 1950–51
Bates, 1925–26
John Bates, 1927
Matt Batts, 1956
Ray Bauer, 1951
Clarence Baumgardner, 1913
Harry Bay, 1908–11
Frank Beaty, 1946–47
Johnny Beazley, 1949
John Bebber, 1955
Erve Beck, 1906
George Beck, 1913–14
William Beck, 1959
Heinz Becker, 1946
George Bell, 1931–32
Marty Beltran, 1963
Bennett, 1919
Bennett, 1931
Fred Bennett, 1938
H Bennett, 1930
Pug Bennett, 1904–05
Heinie Berger, 1914–15
Bill Bernhard, 1908–10
Raymond Berns, 1954
Albert Bernsen, 1923
Red Bird, 1924
Ralph, 1955
Ralph Birkofer, 1938
Frank Biscan, 1955
Hiram Bithorn, 1949
Jim Bivin, 1937
Bill Black, 1927–28
George Blackburn, 1901
Rae Blaemire, 1935–36, 1938–39
Linc Blakely, 1937
Marv Blaylock, 1959
Cy Block, 1946–47
George Boehler, 1930
Buster Boguskie, 1947–54
B. Bohannon, 1905
Red Bohannon, 1906
Bob Boken, 1940
Bernie Boland, 1913–14
Ray Bond, 1963
Bool, 1928
Bob Boring, 1952–53
Bob Borkowski, 1949
Joseph Borrelli, 1954
Rick Botelho, 1955–57
Abe Bowman, 1923
Billy Bowman, 1957
Bob Bowman, 1942
Boyd, 1928
John Brackenridge, 1913
Hugh Bradley, 1921
Bob Brady, 1951
Jim Bragan, 1956
Frank Brazill, 1935
John Brechin, 1956–57
Bill Breitenstein, 1902
Orbie Brewer, 1945
Charlie Brewster, 1942–45
Warren Bridgens, 1937
Lynn Bridwell, 1961
Jim Brillheart, 1933–34
Leon Brinkopf, 1949
Herman Bronkie, 1910
John Brooks, 1927–28
Jim Brosnan, 1950
Bill Brown, 1920–22\
Keith Brown, 1954
Lindsay Brown, 1938
Philip Brown, 1963
Ralph Brown, 1956
Tommy Brown, 1955–58
Arthur Bruyette, 1905
Jim Buchanan, 1906
Smoky Burgess, 1948
Burke, 1901
Burke, 1918
Burke, 1920–21
Mike Burke, 1917, 1919, 192
Howard Burkett, 1925
Gus Burleson, 1932–33
John Burnett, 1901
James Burns, 1948
Otto Burns, 1914
Pete Burnside, 1952, 1954
Ed Burt, 1901
Anderson Bush, 1949
Jack Bushelman, 1915
Harry Bussey, 1902–04
William Bustle, 1945, 1947
Kid Butler, 1908–09
Buvid, 1931
George Byam, 1947–48
Jerry Cade, 1958–60
Gene Calder, 1961
Robert Caldwell, 1954
Callahan, 1915
Dave Callahan, 1913–15
Howie Camp, 1925–26
Campbell, 1937
John Campbell, 1901
Raymond Campbell, 1941
Thaddeus Campbell, 1929–30
Aldo Caravello, 1945
Scoops Carey, 1903
Bobby Cargo, 1902–03
Don Carlsen, 1950
Bud Carlson, 1943–45
Pat Carney, 1906
Bob Carpenter, 1947
Lew Carr, 1907
Wes Carr, 1950
Blackie Carter, 1929–31
Leon Carter, 1959
Charlie Case, 1909–13
Carlos Castillo, 1959
Slick Castleman, 1932–33
Lou Castro, 1906
Pug Cavet, 1917
Leon Chagnon, 1937
Tiny Chaplin, 1932–35
Chapman, 1928
Calvin Chapman, 1937–39, 1942–4
Glenn Chapman, 1937
John Chapman, 1931
Oscar Chinique, 1961
Thomas Chinn, 1906
Edgar Chitwood, 1944
Herbert Chmiel, 1947
Neil Chrisley, 1955
Christenbury, 1925
Christensen, 1924
Joseph Christian, 1961
Robert Churchill, 1943
James Churchwell, 1963
Joe Cicero, 1930–31
Ted Cieslak, 1948
George Cisar, 1938–39
Moose Clabaugh, 1931–32
R. Clarke, 1915
Clifford Coggin, 1958
Hy Cohen, 1958
Chuck Coles, 1958–60
Orlin Collier, 1938–39
Robert Colligan, 1963
Victor Comolli, 1957–58
George Condrick, 1955
Dick Conger, 1947–48
Jim Constable, 1952–53
Dan Coogan, 1906
Cliff Cook, 1960
William Cooke, 1957, 1959
James Cooper, 1903
Ted Corbett, 1901
Mel Corbo, 1963
Chuck Corgan, 1923
Pearce Corley, 1940
Jess Cortazzo, 1929
Pete Coscarart, 1938
Steve Coscarart, 1939
Alex Cosmidis, 1953–54
Glen Crable, 1961
Walt Craddock, 1960
Paul Crain, 1942
Eddie Crawford, 1963
Davey Crockett, 1901
Bill Crouch, 1937–38
Jack Crouch, 1934
Al Cuccinello, 1934–35
Cookie Cuccurullo, 1948–49
Charlie Cuellar, 1944
Bert Cueto, 1963
Dick Culler, 1940–41
Jesse Cumby, 1947
Kiki Cuyler, (Hall of Fame, 1968), 1923
Angelo Dagres, 1957
Cy Dahlgren, 1913
Dahlin, 1920
Jud Daley, 1912–13
Joe Damato, 1948–51
Bill Dammann, 1902
Larry Danforth, 1963
Don Dangleis, 1957
Bob Dant, 1950
Jake Daubert, 1908
Bill Davidson, 1961
Larry Davidson, 1959–61
Davis, 1923
Bud Davis, 1931
G Davis, 1927
Gene Davis, 1961
Jerry Davis, 1956–57, 1959,
Kiddo Davis, 1927
Peaches Davis, 1936
Spencer Davis, 1950–51
Yancy Davis, 1925
Jean Davison, 1947–49
John Davolio, 1961
Jerry Dean, 1955
Walter Deaver, 1902
Art Decatur, 1917–19
Peter Deem, 1943
Lawrence DelMargo, 1963
Walter Derucki, 1955
Vincent DiLorenzo, 1952
Ben Dimond, 1915
Larry DiPippo, 1954–55
Sonny Dixon, 1961
John Dobbs, 1907
Louis Dobbs, 1901
Robert Dobzanski, 1958
Marvin Dodd, 1920
John Dodge, 1914–15
Donohue, 1926
Cal Dorsett, 1941
Dutch Dotterer, 1955, 1957
Thomas Dotterer, 1959
Whammy Douglas, 1959–60
Patrick Downing, 1905
Benjamin Downs, 1955
Larry Doyle, 1922
Tom Drake, 1940–41
Clem Dreisewerd, 1935
Chuck Dressen, 1932–33
Karl Drews, 1958
William Droll, 1931
Jim Duckworth, 1960
Anthony Dueker, 1933–34
Gus Dugas, 1939–42
Jim Duggan, 1906–07
John Duggan, 1906–09
Willie Duke, 1934, 1937–38
Otto Dumas, 1930
Frank Duncan, 1942
Arthur Dunham, 1954
Frank Dunlap, 1945
James Dunn, 1961
Guy Dunning, 1919–20
Bob Duretto, 1956
Durham, 1911
Harry Durheim, 1938
Bobby Durnbaugh, 1955–56, 1958–5
Red Durrett, 1947
Joe Dwyer, 1936
Jim Dyck, 1956
Frank Dye, 1913
Burton Dziadek, 1961
Earl, 1922
Walter East, 1908–09
Roy Easterwood, 1945, 1947–48
Vallie Eaves, 1942
Ebel, 1937
Johnny Edwards, 1960
Mose Eggert, 1932
Ike Eichrodt, 1925
Paul Eiffert, 1923
Sharkey Eiland, 1934–37, 1939
Pete Elko, 1943–44, 1946–4
Roy Ellam, 1916–20
Rowdy Elliott, 1912
William Ellis, 1916–17, 1925–26
Charles Elsey, 1905
John Ely, 1906
Spoke Emery, 1922
Frank Emmer, 1931
Slim Emmerich, 1949–50
Dale Englehorn, 1937
Charlie English, 1941–42
Enzmann, 1924
Paul Erickson, 1942
Peter Erloff, 1910–11
Buck Etchison, 1945
George Etheridge, 1943
Arthur Evans, 1938
W Evans, 1925
Tony Faeth, 1923
Fred Fairbanks, 1922
George Fallon, 1938
Jim Fanning, 1951
Jack Farmer, 1915, 1920
Farriss, 1901
Feeney, 1902
Marv Felderman, 1940–41
Harry Feldhaus, 1903–04
William Felker, 1961
Ed Fernandes, 1950
Jackie Ferrell, 1961
Tony Fiarito, 1935
John Fickinger, 1959
Conrad Fields, 1922–23
Bob Fisher, 1924
Ike Fisher, 1901–04
Larry Fisher, 1943
Norm Fisher, 1945
Raymond Fisher, 1935,
Showboat Fisher, 1933
Fitzberger, 1928
Charles Fitzgerald, 1946
Umberto Flammini, 1950–52
Flanagan, 1901
Earle Fleharty, 1911–13,
Les Fleming, 1941
Robert Fletcher, 1945
Lloyd Flippin, 1928
John Flood, 1901
Tim Flood, 1910
George Flynn, 1901
Floyd Fogg, 1945, 1949, 1954
Leon Foulk, 1949–50
Boob Fowler, 1927
Norman Fox, 1953
Frank Franchi, 1961
Ralph Frary, 1906
Benny Frey, 1926–29
Lonny Frey, 1933
George Frickie, 1904
Skipper Friday, 1923–24
Jim Fridley, 1958
Frierson, 1921
Ted Fritsch, 1944
Sam Frock, 1918
Edward From, 1902
James Frost, 1915–16
Oscar Fuhr, 1927–28
Fuhrey, 1922
Charles Fulton, 1923
Earl Furlow, 1961
Frank Gabler, 1934,
Thomas Gallagher, 1922
Billy Gardner, 1953
Glenn Gardner, 1943
Robert Garner, 1944
Charlie Gassaway, 1937, 1939–43
Aubrey Gatewood, 1963
Sam Gatlin, 1945
Harvey Gentry, 1953
Greek George, 1939–40, 1944
George Gerken, 1935
Dick Getter, 1954
Rube Geyer, 1906
Edward Gibson, 1945
Frank Gibson, 1913–14
Tom Gibson, 1959–61
Robert Giddens, 1954
Bob Giddings, 1953
Buddy Gilbert, 1958–59, 1961
Charlie Gilbert, 1939, 1943, 1948
George Gilbert, 1924
Jack Gilbert, 1906
Tookie Gilbert, 1949
Whiskers Gilbert, 1925
Garth Gilchrist, 1928
Giles, 1928
Johnny Gill, 1939
Gillenwater, 1923
Paul Gillespie, 1946
Norman Glaser, 1927–28
Harry Glenn, 1911–12
Hank Glor, 1945
Frank Goalby, 1913
John Golich, 1953
Shelby Gondolfi, 1945
Johnny Gooch, 1932, 1935
Bill Goodenough, 1901–02
George Gottleber, 1928
William Gould, 1923, 1927
Earl Grace, 1939
Fred Graf, 1923–24
Tiny Graham, 1919
Eugene Granberg, 1942
Charley Grant, 1957
Elwood Grantham, 1948
George Grantham, 1934
Arthur Granville, 1905
August Granzig, 1946
James Graves, 1954
Stan Gray, 1945
Guy Green, 1932
Greene, 1920
Greene, 1926
Doc Greene, 1947
Griffith, 1924
Ross Grimsley, 1955
Lee Grissom, 1936
Don Gross, 1955
Guess, 1922
Dick Haack, 1946
Bert Haas, 1938–39
Jim Hackett, 1907
John Hafenecker, 1954
Frank Haley, 1927–28
Richard Haley, 1923
Phllip? Hall, 1928
Thomas Hallett, 1963
Clarence Hamel, 1937
Jimmy Hamilton, 1924
Richard Hamlin, 1954
Harry Hammond, 1911
Ray Hamrick, 1943
Ed Hanyzewski, 1946
Jack Hardy, 1907–08
George Hargrove, 1911
Gail Harris, 1953
Jack Harshman, 1951, 1953
Edd Hartness, 1946
Clint Hartung, 1955
Walter Hartwell, 1911
Gene Hasson, 1939
Clem Hausmann, 1946
Chicken Hawks, 1923–24
Lefty Hayden, 1956, 1958
Ray Hayworth, 1927
Bob Hazle, 1955
Ralph Head, 1930
Hank Helf, 1941–42
Gus Helfrich, 1918–19
George Heller, 1952
John Helms, 1945
Ed Hemingway, 1914
Rollie Hemsley, 1949
S Hendee, 1913
H Hengehold, 1923
Weldon Henley, 1901
George Hennessey, 1944–45
Bobby Henrich, 1960
Whitey Hensling, 1912
Ernie Herbert, 1916–17
Herbst, 1922
Art Herman, 1903–06
Neal Hertweck, 1956
John Hess, 1908
Mel Hicks, 1943–44, 1946
Whitey Hilcher, 1936
Hugh Hill, 1901–03
L Hinton, 1913
Oris Hockett, 1940–41
Shovel Hodge, 1919–20
Stew Hofferth, 1937–39
Solly Hofman, 1913
Ronald Hogg, 1963
Howard Holland, 1901
Al Hollingsworth, 1929
Stan Hollmig, 1956–57
Bobo Holloman, 1948–51
Harry Holsclaw, 1934
Red Holt, 1929
William Homan, 1939
Kenneth Hommel, 1957–58
A. L. Wally Hood, 1928
Jay Hook, 1958
Dick Hoover, 1947
Hopper, 1901
Horn, 1929
James Horn, 1930
Claude Horton, 1947
Gene Host, 1961
Cal Howe, 1955–57
Waite Hoyt, 1918
Calvin Humpheys, 1956
George Hunter, 1908
Ed Hurlburt, 1908
Jake Hurt, 1928
Edward Irons, 1958–59
Jackson, 1919
Jerry Jacobs, 1955
Tony Jacobs, 1949–50, 1957
Bert James, 1912–13
Gregory Jancich, 1958
Henry Jansing, 1905–06, 1908
Roy Jarvis, 1954–55
Ziggy Jasinski, 1952
George Jeffcoat, 1939–42
Hal Jeffcoat, 1946–47
Frank Jelincich, 1945
Jake Jenkins, 1954
Ned Jilton, 1945
Fred Johnson, 1926–27
Leslie Johnson, 1913
Lorne Johnson, 1963
Vernon Johnson, 1944
Vic Johnson, 1946
Woody Johnson , 937–39
Albert Johnston , 961
William Johnston, 903
Smead Jolley, 1937
Herman Jones, 1932
Ollie Jones, 1931
Bubber Jonnard, 1920–21
Claude Jonnard, 917–20
Everette Joyner, 1960–61
Gerald Juzek, 1945
George Kahlkoff , 906
Rod Kanehl, 1960–61
Jay Kanzler, 1905–06
Eddie Karas, 1946
Stanley Karpinski, 1951
Dick Kauffman, 1916–19
Jimmie Keenan, 1924
Joseph Keenan, 1905
Keisen, 1922
Hugh Kellackey, 1905
Win Kellum, 1908–09
Bob Kelly, 1956–57
Eddie Kenna 1926
Richard Kennedy, 1960
Snapper Kennedy, 1901–04
Frank Kern, 1927
Russ Kerns, 1944
Kestner, 1922
Gus Ketchum, 1924
Henry Keupper, 1910–11
Stan Keyes, 1932–33
Frederick Kiebler, 1942
Edward Kikla, 1963
Vernon Kilburg, 1955
Ed Killian, 1911
John Kimble, 1938
Wally Kimmick, 1926
Bert King, 1914–15
Moses King, 1944
Albert Kinsey, 1948
Larry Kinzer, 1935
Jim Kirby, 1949
George Kircher, 1915
Ed Kirkpatrick, 1963
George Kirsch, 1926–27, 1929
Rube Kisinger, 1915
Bobby Klaus, 1959
Joe Klein, 1921
Hal Kleine, 1949
Stan Klopp, 1939
John Kloza, 1928
Joe Klugmann, 1929–32
Elmer Klumpp, 1939
Chick Knaupp, 1920–22
Pete Knisely, 1917–18
Punch Knoll, 1902–04
Cliff Knox, 1928
Frank Kohlbecker, 1919–20
Dick Kokos, 1956
Thomas Korczowski, 1953
Art Kores, 1916–17
Kraft, 1923
Steve Kraly, 1959–60
Charley Krehmeyer, 1886
Erwin Krehmeyer, 1922
Mickey Kreitner, 1942–43
John Krider, 1933
Rube Kroh, 1914–16
John Kropf, 1952
John Kruckman, 1947
Ernie Krueger, 1929–30
Stephen Kuk, 1935
Leon Kyle, 1937
Edward Labanara, 1944–45
Frank Laga, 1951
Dan Lally, 1905
Jack Lamb, 1937
Wally Lammers, 1960
Bobby LaMotte, 1931
Ken Landenberger, 1956
Jerry Lane, 1955, 1959
Lang, 1901
Frank Lankenau, 1919–22
Glen Larsen, 1932
Al Lary, 1951
Lasley, 1920
Tacks Latimer, 1907
Ralph Lattimor, 1912
Roxie Lawson, 1941
Bevo LeBourveau, 1923–24, 1933
Billy Lee, 1916
Hal Lee, 1938
Mike Lee, 1963
George Lees, 1920
Lou Legett, 1937
Hank Leiber, 1934
Al Leitz, 1944
Frank Leja, 1960
Bob Lennon, 1952–54
Dixie Leverett, 1914–15
Earl Lewis, 1904–05
Eddie Lewis, 1925, 1928
Dick Libby, 1952–54
Gordon Lieb, 1941
John Lindsay, 1911–14
Eldon Lindsey, 1942–43
Axel Lindstrom, 1924, 1926
John Liptak, 1950, 1952
Pete Lister, 1907
Leslie Logg, 1944
Zeke Lohman, 1920
Long, 1925
Daniel Long, 1944
Raymond Looney, 1961
Theodore Lotz, 1949, 1951
Lovelace, 1928
Lloyd Lowe, 1949
Dennis Lowney, 1902–04
Red Lucas, 1920–22, 1944–4
Robert Lucas, 1963
Frank Luce, 1930
James Ludtka, 1957–58
Bill Ludwig, 1913
Robert Ludwig, 1950–51
Don Lumley, 1961
Del Lundgren, 1928–29
Lyle Luttrell, 1958–59
Barney Lutz, 1939–40
Michael Lutz, 1956
Chuck Lybeck, 1959
Robert Lyle, 1943
Mike Lynch, 1910
Frank Mack, 1923
Leo Mackey, 1924–28
John Mackinson, 1957
Ron Mahrt, 1952–53
Dominick Maisano, 1961
Pete Mallory, 1947–49, 1951–5
Alex Malloy, 1911
Pat Malone, 1942
Jim Maloney, 1960
Garth Mann, 1944
William Manning, 1946
Joe Margoneri, 1954
Frank Marino, 1949
Roy Marion, 1941–42, 1946
Ollie Marquardt, 1930
Billy Marshall, 1931
Clarence Marshall, 1916–18
Jim Marshall, 1952
Wiley Marshall, 1914
Darrell Martin, 1958
Joe Martin, 1934–35
Michael Martynik, 1938–39
Jerry Marx, 1963
Norman Masters, 1935
Eddie Matteson, 1923
Adolph Matulis, 1947
Paul Mauldin, 1949–50
Samuel Mauney, 1961
Carmen Mauro, 1948
Buster Maynard, 1947
Ralph McAdams, 1933–34
Tom McAvoy, 1961
Edwin McBee, 1944
Joe McCabe, 1961
Thomas McCabe, 1915
Dutch McCall, 1942–43, 1946
Alex McColl, 1930
Amby McConnell, 1918
Arthur McConnell, 1945
Edward McCormack, 1922
Frank McCormick, 1935
Mike McCormick, 1907–08
Ed McDade, 1950
Ashley McDaniel, 1937
Joe McDonald, 1912
Tex McDonald, 1919
Pryor McElveen, 1907–08
Dan McFarland, 1905
Monte McFarland, 1902
Bill McGhee, 1936
Frank McGee, 1926
Jim McGlothlin, 1963
Harry McIntyre, 1902
Polly McLarry, 1926–27
D. Herbert “Apples” Cameo McLeod, 1915
Joe McManus, 1913
John McManus, 1945
Frank McMillan, 1945
Tommy McMillan, 1923
William McMillan, 1952
Jim McNamee, 1963
Pat McNulty, 1929
Hartley McPherson, 1945
George McQuillan, 1922–23
Johnny Meador, 1917
Rufus Meadows, 1935
Russ Meers, 1940–41, 1946
Robert Meisner, 1961
Jim Melton, 1955
Gould Menefee, 1911
Paul Menking, 1950
Herbert Merklen, 1961
Lawrence Toots Merville, 1931
Clarence Boots Metz, 1919
Leo Meyer, 1919
Russ Meyer, 1944–46, 1957
Gilbert Meyers, 1922
Joseph Micciche, 1952
Ralph Michaels, 1923
Mollie Mies, 1920
John Mihalic, 1939–44
Stan Milankovich, 1951
Johnny Miljus, 1922
Archie Miller, 1932
Dusty Miller, 1906
George Miller, 1963
George Milstead, 1929–32
H H Minnie Minatree, 1923
David Miner, 1929–30
Henry Mitchell, 1963
Pete Modica, 1950–54
Bill Moisan, 1948
Leo Moon, 1928
Andrew Moore, 1934
Bill Moore, 1930
Dee Moore, 1937
Jim Moore, 1955
Scrappy Moore, 1924
Bob Moorhead, 1959
Jake Mooty, 1943
Bill Moran, 1919
Forrest More, 1913–14
George Morgan, 1923–24
Vern Morgan, 1950
Edward Morris, 1925–26
Robert Morris, 1924
Boyce Morrow, 1920, 1922
Frank Morse, 1907
Harry Morse, 1921–22
Arnie Moser, 1940
Charles Moss, 1903
Ray Moss, 1935
Mowry, 1931
Heinie Mueller, 1934
Red Munson, 1911
Red Murff, 1951
Dick Murphy, 1957
Frank Murphy, 1923
Bobby Murray, 1923–24
Glenn Murray, 1935, 1937
Lefty Murray, 1920
Thomas Mylett, 1901
Alfred Nagel, 1960
Sam Nahem, 1939
Cholly Naranjo, 1959–60
Joe Neely, 1912
Tommy Neill, 1950, 1952
Ernie Neitzke, 1926
Clarence Nelson, 1907
Wallace Newell, 1920
Don Nicholas, 1957
Art Nichols, 1907
Ovid Nicholson, 1913
Harry Nickens, 1903–05
Johnny Niggeling, 1933
John Nook, 1942
Frank Norcum, 1905
Leo Norris, 1931–32
Rube Novotney, 1951–53
Hank Nowak, 1947
Eddie Noyes, 1913
Harry Noyes, 1909
Marty Nye, 1918
C. A. O’Brien, 1926
Ray O’Brien, 1917–18
Andrew O’Connell, 1901
Paul O’Malley, 1934, 1936
Mickey O’Neil, 1918
William O’Neill, 1923–24
Jim O’Toole, 1958
Dan Oberholzer, 1931
Dave Odom, 1945
Henry Oellerman, 1919
Jim Oglesby, 1928
John Oldham, 1957
Tom Oliver, 1927
Barney Olsen, 1941
Ole Olsen, 1924–25
Bill Onuska, 1960
James Orton, 1963
Don Osborn, 1950
TIny Osborne, 1926
Claude Osteen, 1957
Jimmy Outlaw, 1936
William Padget, 1954
Jose Padilla, 1958
Pat Paige, 1913
Stan Palys, 1957
Emil Panko, 1958
Nick Pappas, 1954
Roy Pardue, 1952, 1955–57
Jay Parker, 1901
Frank Parkinson, 1925
Art Parks, 1935, 1938
Vernon Parks, 1931
Tom “Tacks” Parrott, 1901, 1903–04
Jay Partridge, 1926, 1929–30
Dode Paskert, 1924
Roy Paton, 1946
Ham Patterson, 1910
Gene Paulette, 1914–15
Bill Pavlick, 1952–53
Ted Pawelek, 1946–47
George Payne, 1920–21
Johnny Peacock, 1936
Frank Pearce, 1931–32
Alex Pearson, 1906
Ed Pearsons, 1907
Les Peden, 1948
Homer Peel, 1934
Marvin Pelton, 1938
Joe Penland, 1963
Joe Pepe, 1921
Hub Perdue, 1907–10, 1920–2
Olin Perritt, 1923
Clay Perry, 1911–13
Charlie Pescod, 1942
Lee Peterson, 1948
Roy Peterson, 1950
Raymond Petrzelka, 1954
Jimmy Phelan, 1957
Frank Philbin, 1928
Alva Phillips, 1945
Darrell Phillips, 1944
Eddie Phillips, 1927
Wiley Piatt, 1904
Malcolm Pickett, 1928
Lerton Pinto, 1923
Ed Pipgras, 1928
George Pipgras, 1935
Forrest Plass, 1906
Whitey Platt, 1943
Rance Pless, 1952
Boots Poffenberger, 1940–41
Jennings Poindexter, 1945
Billy Poland, 1953
Jim Poole, 1929–30
E. J. Porter, 1921
Ned Porter, 1927
Al Porto, 1951
Robert Pottenger, 1953–54
Dykes Potter, 1939
Coleman Powell , 1946
Dutch Prather, 1933–34
Monte Prieste, 1911
Jim Pruett, 1950
Burton Pulford, 1942
Pid Purdy, 1935
Hal Quick, 1946–49
Patricio Quintana, 1958
Charlie Rabe, 1956, 1960
Neal Rabe, 1932
John Radulovich, 1950
William Raehse, 1955
Pep Rambert, 1946
Earl Rapp, 1959
Charlie Ray, 1949–50, 1952
Sidney Ray, 1939
William Rea, 1932–33
Art Rebel, 1938
Phil Redding, 1913
Buck Redfern, 1926–27
James Reggio, 1944
Jackie Reid, 1932–34
Josh Reilly, 1894
Joshua Reilly, 1901
George Reitz, 1901–02
Erwin Renfer, 1914
Flint Rhem, 1936
Dusty Rhodes, 1952
Pete Rhodes, 1948
Charles Rice, 1901
Harry Rice, 1934
Duane Richards, 1960
Fred Richards, 1950
Thomas Richards, 1960
Richardson, 1901
Lance Richbourg, 1923, 1933–37
Harry Riconda, 1931
Robert Rikard, 1961
Walter Ringhofer, 1943
Pep Ripperton, 1922
Peter Ritchie, 1922
Dean Robbins, 1963
Spencer Robbins, 1961
Jack Roberts, 1956
Jim Roberts, 1923
Don Robertson, 1956
James Robertson, 1909
Fred Robinson, 1933
Paul Robinson, 1959–60
Wilbur Robinson, 1937
Mickey Rocco, 1940, 1946
Bill Rodda, 1931–39
Howard Rodemoyer, 1959
Eric Rodin, 1954
Lee Rogers, 1940
Packy Rogers, 1941
Tom Rogers, 1914–16
John Romonosky, 1961
William Rose, 1921
Walter Rospond, 1937–39
Cliff Ross, 1955
Donald Ross, 1963
Andy Roth, 1903
Luther Roy, 1925
Art Ruble, 1926
Dutch Ruether, 1932
Bob Rush, 1947
Clyde Russell, 1903–05
Jack Rutledge, 1922
Ralph Sabatino, 1944
Edward Sabrie, 1909
William Sahlin, 1943
Johnny Sain, 1940–41
Manny Salvatierra, 1944
Guy Sample, 1901–02, 1905
Ken Sanders, 1963
Roy Sanders, 1929–30
War Sanders, 1901–02
Bill Sarni, 1945
Tom Satriano, 1963
Ed Sauer, 1943
Neil Saulia, 1947–48
Carl Sawatski, 1949–50
George Scharein, 1935–36
Hank Schenz, 1947
George Schmees, 1956–58
Freddy Schmidt, 1948
Haven Schmidt, 1958–60
Henry Schmidt, 1906
Keith Schmidt, 1955–56
Jake Schmitt, 1953
Paul Schneidiners, 1951
Grant Schopp, 1907
Bob Schultz, 1950–51, 1956
Bill Schwartz, 1910–15
Jack Scott, 1917
LeGrant Scott, 1942
James Seabough, 1908–12
John Sebastian, 1947
Duke Sedgwick, 1924
Larry Segovia, 1957
Louis Seguin, 1939
Gene Seifert, 1945
Joseph Semler, 1935
Sonny Senerchia, 1956
Mel Serafini, 1947
Merle Settlemire, 1932
Wally Seward, 1960–61
Rip Sewell, 1931
Wally Shaner, 1929
Philip Shartzer, 1957, 1959–61
Al Shealy, 1932
Ray Shearer, 1959
Thomas Sheehan, 1915–17
Frederick Sherkel, 1952, 1954–55
Jim Shilling, 1941–42, 1946
Mule Shirley, 1931–32, 1935
Charlie Shoemaker, 1963
Johnny Siegle, 1908–10
Tripp Sigman, 1928
Walter Signer, 1943
E. B. Sikes, 1925–26
Pat Simmons, 1931–32
Paul Simmons, 1954
Syl Simon, 1930
Sims, 1924
Duke Sims, 1963
William Simunek, 1952
James Singleton , 953
Mike Sinnerud, 1963
Dick Sisler, 1957–58
Vedder Sitton, 1908
Willie Skeen, 1941
Lou Skizas, 1960
Tod Sloan, 1914
Doc Smith, 1921
Auldman Smith, 1932–33
Drag Smith, 1922
Earl Smith, 1931
Frank Smith, 1956
Norman Smith, 1941
R Smith, 1913
Red Smith, 1911, 1927
Red Smith, 1914–15
Thomas Smith, 1904
Zach Smith, 1935
Clifford Snyder, 1913
Lewis Solomon, 1944
Rudy Sommers, 1912–13
William Sorrells, 1906–07
Bob Speake, 1951
By Speece, 1932–38
Ben Spencer, 1926
Daryl Spencer, 1951
Leverette Spencer, 1961
Bob Spicer, 1948
James Sprankle, 1957–58
Harry Spratt, 1913
Bob Sprout, 1963
James St. Claire, 1957
Marv Staehle, 1963
Harold Stafford, 1934–35
Robert Stafford, 1906
George Staller, 1941
Harold Stamey, 1955
Jerry Standaert, 1930
Charles Stanliland, 1961
Lawrence Stankey, 1960
Dolly Stark, 1915
Ray Starr, 1936–39
George Stassi, 1945
William Statham, 1920–21
Irv Stein, 1945
Bill Stellbauer, 1921
Stanley Stencel, 1942
Jimmy Stephens, 1952
Clyde Stevens, 1952
Roy Stevens, 1914
Bill Stewart, 1920
C Slim Stewart, 1921
Mack Stewart, 1943–45
Edward Stogoski, 1961
Henry Stone, 1945
Harry Storch, 1911–12
Dewey Stover, 1929
Gabby Street, 1915–17, 1919
Joseph Strincevich, 1945
Joe Stringfellow, 1946–47
Harry Strohm, 1925
Sam Stuart, 1928
George Stumpf, 1931
Joseph Stupak, 1954
Jim Suchecki, 1954
Ronald Suleski, 1958
Ernie Sulik, 1937
James Sullivan, 1901
Harry Swacina, 1918
Lefty Swan, 1920
Bruce Swango, 1961
Jimmy Sweeney, 1931
Ad Swigler, 1918
Charlie Swindells, 1905
Doug Taitt, 1927, 1934–36
Vito Tamulis, 1941–42, 1946
Ted Tappe, 1954
Dan Tapson, 1932
Lee Tate, 1954
Tommy Tatum, 1940–41
Bill Taylor, 1953
Larry Taylor, 1955–58
Tommy Taylor, 1928
Wiley Taylor, 1916–17
Boyd Tepler, 1944–45
Charles Teuscher, 1963
Carl Thomas, 1960
Pete Thomassie , 1946
Shag Thompson, 1922
Foster Thornton, 1938
James Tibbetts, 1906
Chick Tolson, 1925, 1931
Pat Tomkinson, 1952–53
Eddie Tomlin, 1920
Francis Toner, 1946
Fred Toney, 1925
Tony Tonneman, 1909, 1921
Red Torphy, 1927
Eddie Touchberry, 1958
Victor Trahd, 1944
John Travis, 1941, 1943
Red Treadway, 1947
George Treadwell, 1931
Al Treichel, 1946
Coaker Triplett, 1936
Hal Trosky, Jr., 1960
Julian Tubb, 1941
Turner, 1901
Leo Twardy, 1940–41, 1946–4
John Uber, 1952
Robert Unglaub, 1928
Bill Upton, 1955–56
Al Van Camp, 1932
Johnny Vander Meer, 1936
Claire VanWieren, 1945
Fred Vaughn, 1948
Richard Verbic, 1951
E. L. Verrett, 1917
Frank Veverka, 1936–37
Paul Vickery, 1944
William Viebahn, 1909–11
Theodore Vinson, 1910
Juan Violat, 1911
Ben Wade, 1947–49
Dealis Wade, 1921, 1924
Rip Wade, 1923, 1928
Arthur Wagner, 1924
Frank Waite, 1963
Doug Walker, 1954
Hub Walker, 1938
James Walker, 1911
Ralph Walker, 1945
Rube Walker, 1945, 1947
Thomas Walker, 1930
Verlon Walker, 1950
Frederick Wall, 1963
Joseph Wall, 1907
John Walsh, 1953
Bucky Walters, 1931
Jack Walters, 1955
Cy Warmoth, 1921
Jimmy Wasdell, 1936
John Waters, 1963
Jess Watkins, 1922
Linville Watkins, 1935, 1937–38
Harry Weaver, 1924
Elmer Weingartner, 1945
Phil Weintraub, 1934
Sidney Weiss, 1936
Harry Welchonce, 1911–12
Bob Wells, 1924
Frank Wells, 1916–17
John Wells, 1947
Robert Wells, 1906–07
Billy Werber, 1956
Raymond Were, 1922
Johnny Wertz, 1932
Tony Wesoloski, 1953–54
Hi West, 1912
Ralph West, 1938
Fred White, 1963
John White, 1901
R. E. Kitty Wickham, 1918–1920
Charles Williams, 1954–56
Gus Williams, 1916
Larry Williams, 1963
Lefty Williams, 1913
Otto Williams, 1914
Rinaldo Williams, 1927
Woody Williams, 1939
David Willis, 1904
Lefty Willis, 1929–31
Albert Wilson, 1957
Robert Wilson, 1945
Wayne Windle, 1931
Jim Winford, 1939
Ted Wingfield, 1928
George Winn, 1922
Hank Winston, 1937
Wise (possibly Fred Wines), 1915
Hughie Wise, 1934
Doc Wiseman, 1901–11
Whitey Wistert, 1936
Wood, 1928
Ray Woodward, 1948
Chuck Workman, 1941–42, 1948
Al Worthington, 1951–52
Wright, 1923
Stan Yerkes, 1907–08
Earl York, 1948, 1955
Del Young, 1912–13
Dom Zanni, 1954
Harvey Zernia, 1957
Emory Zumbro, 1930–31
Jerry Zuvela, 1955