Nashville connections to major league baseball often includes players from Vanderbilt, Belmont, and Lipscomb – those are the ones who receive most of the attention, and rightfully so, and in light of the recent success of all three programs. There are 50 players who played at least one game in the majors who played at Vandy, six from Lipscomb, and Belmont, three.
In stepping back and compiling a list of major league players from Nashville high schools, that number might not be as many as you think. Currently there are 33 high schools in Nashville/Davidson County, but there were many over the years which are no longer in existence. Would you care to venture a guess as to how many major league players went to a Nashville high school?
According to baseball-reference.com, ancestry.com, and newspapers.com, the number is 38 (revised to 40 – thanks for your feedback!), and here’s the list:
Dawson “Tiny” Graham, Bowen Prep
Bronson Heflin, Donelson Christian
Logan Darnell, Goodpasture Christian
Jim Zapp, Immaculate Mother Academy
Charlie Moran, Nashville/Tennessee Military Institute
Bob Fisher, Wallace University School
Johnny Gooch, Wallace University School
Should you find an error or wish to add a player/school to this list, please contact Skip Nipper: [email protected]
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