
0 Responses to Uncategorized

  1. Jay Kauflie

    Nicely done, will you be publishing more Nashville base ball player career stories ?


    Thank you Jay. I have a list I am currently researching. More to come soon! Skip

  3. Jim Nipper

    Sounds like lots of fun! Hope to be there!

  4. Rick Casebeer

    It’s always a pleasure to have you on, Skip. We are already looking forward to the next time!

  5. Ralph

    Skip, I wonder if you can email the photo of Soapy Frech sliding into home and anything else about Nabrico and the City League. His son Bob is a friend of mine-I think you’ve met him—and he’d get a kick out of it.

  6. Dolores Underhill

    Appreciate your prompt reply with answers to questions. Husband’s knowledge good but we don’t always know specifics. Thank you, again. Good information lots years research.

  7. Vic Petrone

    Remember all the games I attended with my grandfather in the 1950s. Often we would sit with the team owner. Have a signed ball from 1957 when Jim O’Toole was star pitcher.

  8. Pete Mason

    I remember being there on a COLD April night in 1963 with two of my brothers and two neighbor friends who were also brothers.

    We had a green wool army blanket snugged up around us to help knock off the evening cold.

    A reporter for the Nashville Banner-Jack Corn, came by and asked if he could take our picture.

    Of course we obliged him.

    The next night our photo was in the Nashville Banner.

    The caption read:

    Here are five of the brave souls who weathered the freezing temp at the Dell last night.

    It gave our names along with the neat pic.

  9. Ralph Bland

    Maybe Bernard Malamud’s The Natural?

  10. carter brown

    Larry have a great day and the prayer you always lead to start a meeting was one of the best ones I have ever heard. Carter

  11. David Lindsey

    Are you sure he was 28 when he graduated from high school. Did he serve time in the military or is this a typeo? That would make him 33 when he graduated from TSU. if this is correct, great for him for not giving up on his education.

  12. jackie charlton

    A great ball player and a gentleman to all.

  13. Skip Nipper

    It was mistyped. He was born in 1945; it has been revised. Thanks!

  14. David Lindsey

    Thanks Skip, I figured it must have been a misprint!

  15. Anne Goodnow

    This is my maternal grandfather! Thank you for writing this amazing biography. You tied all the details into a wonderful story and I look forward to sharing it with other members of the family. Have a wonderful day and thank you for making this terrific write up. Anne

  16. Ron Bargatze

    Joe is a great man and a great friend. The years I played for CocaCola in the Gilbert League were two of my favorites. Joe was one part intimidator and four parts encourager…an all-time Nashville treasure…one of a kind!!

  17. Ronnie Sarver

    The best Chief of Police Nashville has ever had. A man of courage and integrity.

  18. Mike Nixon

    Joe Casey was a gift to Nashville in many ways and there is no telling how many lives he touched in a positive manner. Certainly mine. I was the last guy left off that 1959 team that went to California but Joe made me feel like I was on it anyway. Loved playing a little golf with him over the years and enjoying dinner etc. Love being around Joe, he is good company.

  19. Billy Griggs

    I played for Coach Casey on that 1959 Babe Ruth World Series. He was a great coach and a wonderful man. I don’t know how he put up with us from the District thru the World Series. It was great playing for him.

  20. Hugh Jarratt

    He was the best chief of police we ever had.

  21. Sherry Lewellen

    My uncle Doodie Mallory played baseball when Chief Casey was coaching Babe Ruth league chief nicknamed him Pete. My uncle joined the police dept and Chief Casey always told him that he loved him like his own child. All of Doodie’s life he always loved and admired Joe Casey. After serving many years on the MPD Chief Casey and Doodie were always there for each other. Doodie passed away in December 1992.

  22. jackie w chaffin

    I played on the World Series team that went to California. Was called out on controuversal play for final out to lose the game. Saw Coach Casey 20 years later First statement from him was “Did You Miss 2nd Base” Great Man

  23. Lamar Bradley

    Good one, George Archie! I’ll have to remember that.

  24. Bill Hicks

    The Three Eye League is the Three I League. It consisted of teams from Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa.

  25. Art Black

    Thanks, Skip, for being you and for being with us.

  26. Richard Anderson

    Well-articulated, Skip. . .as always! Keep up the good work, brother!